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Coal Ended Slavery Claims Trump EPA Nominee


Despite his promise to “drain the swamp” and to hire “the best and brightest”, President Trump recently nominated Kathleen Hartnet-White to lead the Council on Environmental Quality.

“Kathleen Hartnett-White is a conspiracy theorist and anti-science extremist who would threaten public health as the White House’s top environmental advisor,” Sara Chieffo, vice president of government affairs at the League of Conservation Voters, said in a statement.

Her views on the environment are so radical, the White House decided to withdraw her from nomination.

Hartnett-White said she was unsure if climate change is happening, and claims that the United States has “almost no real environmental problems.”  In addition, Hartnett-White has argued that carbon dioxide levels are good for life on Earth, the shift to renewable energy amounts to “green folly” and “a false hope,” and that “carbon dioxide has none of the attributes of a pollutant.” She lambasted the Obama administration’s environmental policies as a “deluded and illegitimate battle against climate change,” railed against the Paris climate agreement and attacked Pope Francis’stance on global warming.

In 2014 she made the claim that fossil fuels are to thank for abolishing slavery. In a blog post Hartnett-White made the connection between “the abolition of slavery and humanity’s first widespread use of energy from fossil fuels.”  “Fossil fuels dissolved the economic justification for slavery,” she wrote. “When the concentrated and versatile energy stored in fossil fuels was converted to mechanical energy, the economic limits under which all societies had formerly existed were blown apart.”

 “White gets it exactly backwards,” critic Christopher Hooks wrote in the Texas Observer in 2014. “The fossil-fueled industrial revolution … made slavery more lucrative. It made slavery worse.”  Hooks states that this is true in part because the hunger for raw materials in English factories and mills funded plantations in the American South and the subjugation of colonized peoples around the world.




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