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Home \ International Issues \ A Year After Being In Office, Trump Fails To Fill 41 Abassador Positions

A Year After Being In Office, Trump Fails To Fill 41 Abassador Positions


The Trump administration’s vacancies on agency organization charts continue to place him months behind his predecessors in staffing up political leadership, according to new numbers from organizations tracking presidential appointees.

Less than 40 percent of 633 key positions had a nominee as of Jan. 13, according to the tracker maintained by the nonprofit Partnership for Public Service and The Washington Post, which released new agency numbers on Tuesday.

Many of the vacancies are in the State Department.  Trump has failed to place Ambassadors to 41 countries.  Many of the Countries are world power players, and have influence on current world matters.  Some of the countries without Ambassadors include Germany, Australia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and South Korea.

Considering the part South Korea plays in relationship to Trump’s ongoing dilema with Kim Jong Un, it is almost derilect not to have an Ambassador to South Korea in place.


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