On January 7, 2017, the leaders of the US Intelligence Agencies delivered a report on how the Russians interferred with the presidential election of 2016 (National Intelligence Report on Russian Interference). Later in the year, FaceBook and Twitter both admitted and disclosed how the Russians used them to peddle influence to Americans.
Not wanting to admit the possibility that the Russians were responsible for his win, President Trump has denied the possibility that Russians meddled in the election. Following Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s indictment of 13 Russians, Trump’s own National Security Adviser, H.R. McMaster told attendees at a German security conference that there was no doubt Russians had interfered. “As you can see with the FBI indictment, the evidence is now really incontrovertible and available in the public domain”.
Earlier this week, even amid several intelligence officials expressing to a Senate panel that Russia had interfered in 2016 and had plans for 2018, Trump was still not convinced on the matter, according to three sources familiar with the President’s thinking.
In addition, President Trump has yet to enforce the penalties against Russia which were recently passed by Congress. Many people believe the President thinks to do so would be an admission that Russia has meddled. To admit that Russia has meddled would be an admission that there was a possibility that their interference affected the outcome of the election. Gauging the President’s past behavior, his ego will never allow him to admit that his election win was a result of anything besides America’s love for him.