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Trump disbands advisory councils following mass exodus


President Trump formed advisory councils early in his administration.  Some of America’s top business leaders were members of the councils, eager to offer advice on forming policy to foster American growth, creating jobs and rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure.

Unfortunately, many of the members have had a difficult time supporting Trump’s positions on everything from the environment to his statements regarding the KKK and White Nationalists following the deadly riots in Charlottesville.  As a result, many of the members have resigned.

A White House advisory panel of top CEOs disbanded Wednesday after the backlash from President Trump’s latest tirade left the panel little choice, according to one member.  “There was such a firestorm,” the member said “You don’t know what ‘s coming next, what he’s going to say or do next.”

The exodus was led by Merck CEO Kenneth Frazier who resigned Monday from the manufacturing council, saying, “As C.E.O. of Merck and as a matter of personal conscience, I feel a responsibility to take a stand against extremism.”  On Monday and Tuesday, Trump bashed those who left his councils, tweeting almost immediately after the Merck chief resigned “For every CEO that drops out of the Manufacturing Council, I have many to take their place. Grandstanders should not have gone on. JOBS!”

As it turns out, the president was apparently not able to find suitable replacements for the manufacturing council.  And the the strategic forum, (separate from Trump’s manufacturing council), also saw seven defections during the week.  The president and CEO of 3M, Inge Thulin, announced his resignation from the manufacturing council on Wednesday afternoon.  “I believe the initiative is no longer an effective vehicle for 3M to advance” its goals — to achieve a United States that is “stronger, healthier and more prosperous for all people,” he said.

After seeing mass defections from his councils and not being able to find suitable replacements, Trump had no choice but to disband them.  The alternative would have been an embarrassing continuation of business leaders publicly distancing themselves from the president.


A few days later, the president disbanded the infrastructure council.  Trump formed the infrastructure council by executive order in March, but disbanded it even before it had a chance to meet.





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