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Trump’s Mar-a-Lago applies to hire 70 foreign workers


President Trump wants to build a wall to keep foreigners out, unless they want to work for him at Mar-a-Lago.

During the White House’s “Made in America” initiative this week to promote American jobs and products, President Donald Trump’s businesses have again taken steps to hire foreign workers.  Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club and his golf course in Jupiter, Florida, filed documents to bring in additional foreign workers under the H-2B visa program, which allows foreigners to fill temporary non-agriculture jobs in the United States that supposedly cannot be filled by US workers.

Trump made boosting American jobs a central tenet of his presidential campaign and has continued to promote the idea of “Buy American and Hire American” during his time in office.  This week, the White House is using “Made in America Week” to showcase the President’s tax and regulatory policies and priorities, and to spotlight companies and workers making products at home.

In April, he signed an executive order under that slogan in an effort “to create higher wages and employment rates for workers in the United States.”  The jobs at Mar-a-Lago would pay a minimum of $10.33, $11.88 and $13.34 per hour.



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