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Survey Says…..Trump Worst President Ever


Donald Trump is America’s worst president, says New York Times opinion piece that’s based on a survey of 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section.

The survey was conducted by Brandon Rottinghaus, a professor of political science at the University of Houston, and Justin S. Vaughn, an associate professor of political science and director of the Center for Idaho History and Politics at Boise State University.

Their op-ed, was posted Monday in the Times, showed Barack Obama faring much better than Trump. Obama shot into the top 10, up from 18th when a previous survey was conducted in 2014.  Trump is listed last, dead last of all US Presidents.

The authors said the four years since the previous survey had other changes in rankings, with James Buchanan, who was at the helm as the United States careened into civil war, benefiting from the Trump era. Buchanan was dislodged from his position as our nation’s worst president by Trump.

The Washington Post went into a bit more detail as to the 10 worst Presidents.  Their list, and the reason for their rankings can be found in this excellent article:  10 Worst Presidents


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