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What Else does he want to close?

Trump Calls For Government Shutdown

No US President has ever called for the shutdown of their own government, until now.  In another inexplicable first, Donald Trump called for the September shutdown of the US government.

Apparently unhappy that he needs to work with others, Trump tweeted the following this morning:

Of course, this comes just days after he ripped the Democrats for threatening to do the same thing:

It has been proven that Mr. Trump is poor at history.  He thought Andrew Jackson was alive during the Civil War (he died 16 years before).  He didn’t understand why there was a Civil War.  He thought Frederick Douglas was still alive (he died in 1895).  He doesn’t remember what a terrible beating Republicans took when Newt Gingrich shut down the government, ensuring Bill Clinton’s second term.  And apparently, he doesn’t remember that Republicans again reversed course in 2013 after only 16 days of causing a shutdown because of tremendous public outcry.

Shutting down the government is extremely unpopular.  For a President to suggest that he wants to shut down his own government would be political suicide for just about anybody, but this is Trump.  Perhaps he wants to spend more time on the golf course?

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